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Find out more about our solutions 

for industries





plastic SIM card


eSIM is a revolutionary technology that is changing the entire architecture of the telecom industry. 


Since secure data loading and device profile management become ever more important. 

eSIM introduces a completely new way of interaction between mobile devices and mobile  network operators.

USIM R8 operating system ensures robust security of customer's data and allows to implement the full range of eSIM features. USIM R8 is designed in accordance with industry standards and meets the essential regulatory requirements.

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IoT secure element


The expanding of Internet of Things (IoT) is convenient and allows the implementation of many disruptive applications with an increase risk of cyberattacks. Hackers can easily and remotely take control of devices, intercept and manipulate data, tamper with routers and servers and take control of applications.


IMEX IoT secure element creates secure connections from the edge, where sensors and connected devices are creating data, all of the way through to the cloud, where decisions are being made on that data.

Центр города


based on CC chip

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For eID and ePassport applications, security is an absolute priority.


IMEX solutions for ID cards provide robust security of your data and clear independence from global vendors. 


Our solutions meet all international safety standards and take into account national requirements.

Mobile ID

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The IMEX Mobile ID solution allows you to implement electronic signatures in any mobile phone with a cellular SIM card. 


Mobile ID provides total security and confidentiality and can be adapted to local legal requirements.

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Связь башня



eSIM ecosystem is now turning a physical market (i.e., SIM) for mobile operators and OEM into a fully digital one. 


SM-DP+ is a Subscription Manager Data Preparation server. The main task of SMDP+ server is to create and encrypt operator profiles and then securely installs them into the customers device with eSIM. 


IoT Console

Image by Carlos Muza

IMEX IoT Console allows you to create and register your devices so they are later reachable remotely from clients.


You can configure central access control, integration, mobile push notifications, and check the live status of devices.

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